Save Lives & Limbs

Chronic wounds affect 1 in 20 Singaporeans and require long-term medical care with advanced wounds sometimes resulting in limb amputation.
Our mission is to provide end-to-end wound care solutions that take patients from chronic to closure. ​
Cuprina Wound Care Solutions seeks to advance treatment options and alleviate patient suffering for an improved quality of life. We are driven to develop cost-conscious products with high clinical efficacy rates for more effective, rapid wound closure.​
The 3 Phases of Wound Healing

Phase 1 ​
Phase 2 ​
Phase 3 ​
Healing process triggered, immune system works to prevent infection​
New tissue and blood vessels begin to form​
Scar tissue forms, wound closes​
Wounds typically undergo three phases of healing: Inflammation, Proliferation, and Maturation.
Each phase requires careful management and different interventions to encourage and optimise wound repair. ​
Cuprina develops products tailored to each phase to ensure effective wound closure. ​​
Trusted by leading hospitals and healthcare providers


Frequently Asked Questions
What are the benefits of using MEDIFLY?Reduces treatment time to achieve a positive clinical outcome Increases the success rate of limb salvaging / retention Can be conducted bedside or in the home setting (no surgery required) Low level of pain / discomfort compared to surgical procedures More affordable than surgical procedures
How does MDT compare to other forms of debridement?Compared to other forms of debridement (surgical / sharp, mechanical, enzymatic or autolytic), MDT has been shown to have the following advantages: Accuracy - maggots target necrotic tissue without damaging adjacent healthy tissue in the process. Inflammation - studies have shown that lucifensin, a defensin peptide from the maggot’s excretions, contains antibacterial properties capable of disinfecting wounds and helping reduce chronic inflammation. Drug-resistance - for the treatment of wounds infected by MRSA, the excretions from maggots exhibited a strong and rapid disinfection action.
Is MEDIFLY safe to use?​MEDIFLY is ISO13485-certified and Cuprina Wound Solutions is the first Maggot Debridement Therapy (MDT) manufacturer in the world with this certification in addition to the Health Science Authority (HSA) Class Medical Device certification. MEDIFLY is manufactured with medical grade sterile maggots that are bacteria and virus free.​
How does MEDIFLY / MDT compare to other debridement methods?​MEDIFLY debrides chronic wounds more effectively and efficiently than traditional surgical debridement and is a great alternative for patients who are poor candidates for surgery & anesthesia.
What is Maggot Debridement Therapy (MDT)?MDT is a biotherapy that uses live, sterile maggots (fly larvae) to clean non-healing wounds. Medical maggots help speed healing by: Removing dead and infected tissue, and Disinfecting the wound by killing off bacteria.
How Does MEDIFLY work?​MEDIFLY is a Bio-dressing made up of Live medical grade Lucilla cuprina (Bronze bottlefly) larvae or ‘maggots’ used to debride, clean and disinfect chronic wounds. The process by which live maggots are placed in a necrotic wound is known as Maggot Debridement Therapy (MDT).​ The maggots secrete strong proteolytic enzymes which selectively liquefy devitalized tissue including MRSA but without damaging healthy tissue. In addition, they digest the necrotic tissue and bacteria while secreting strong antimicrobials to help combat infection. ​